החוג לתקשורת

    University of Haifa

    Prof. Yariv Tsfati

    Research Interests: political communication, audience trust in the media, media effects, third person effect. 


    E-mail:  ytsfati@com.haifa.ac.il

    Room: Rabin Complex 8035
    Personal Website

    CV for download

    Yariv Tsfati (BA, 1997; MA 1999, University of Haifa) received his Ph.D. from the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania (2001). His research focuses on various facets of public opinion, in particular on trust in media, the third person effect, and campaign effects. His research was funded by the Israel Science Foundation, the Israeli Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), the German-Israel Foundation, and other institutes. He received the Worcester Award for the year's outstanding paper published in the International Journal of Public Opinion Research from WAPOR (2004 and 2019), the ICA Outstanding Article Award (2016, with Nurit Tal-Or) and the 2017 Dennis McQuail Award (for the best article advancing communication theory, with Nurit Tal-Or), among other awards. Tsfati served as chair of the Political Communication Division of the International Communication Association, as editor for the International Journal of Public Opinion Research, and as Associate Editor for the Journal of Communication.

    You can find Yariv's Google Scholar profile with an updated list of publications here.



    Selected Publications:

    Tsfati, Y., & Dvir Gvirsman, S. (2018). Silencing Fellow Citizens: Conceptualization, Measurement and Validation of a Scale for Measuring the Belief in the Importance of Actively Silencing Others. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 30, 391-419.

    Tal Or, N., & Tsfati, Y. (2018) Does the co-viewing of sexual material affect rape myth acceptance? The role of the co-viewer's reactions and gender. Communication Research, 45(4), 577-602.

    Tsfati, Y. & Nir, L. (2017). Framing and Argumentation: Two Pathways from Selective Exposure to Political Polarization. International Journal of Communication, 11, 301-322.

    Tal-Or, N., & Tsfati, Y. (2016). When Arabs and Jews watch TV together: The joint effect of the content and context of communication on reducing prejudice. Journal of Communication, 66 (4), 646-668.

    Tsfati, Y. (2016). A new measure for the tendency to select ideologically congruent political information: Scale development and validation. International Journal of Communication, 10, 200-225.

    Tsfati Y., Stroud, N. J., & Chotiner, A. (2014). Exposure to ideological news and perceived opinion climate: Testing the media effects component of spiral-of-silence in a fragmented media landscape. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 19(1), 13-23

    Tsfati, Y., Arieli, G. (2013). Individual and contextual correlates of trust in media across 44 countries. Communication Research

    Waismel-Manor, I. & Tsfati, Y. (2011).Why do better looking congresspersons receive more television coveragePolitical Communication28 (4), 440-463.

    Tsfati, Y. (2010) Online news exposure and trust in the mainstream media - Exploring possible associationsAmerican Behavioral Scientist, 54, 22-42

    Tsfati, Y., Cohen, J. & Gunther, A. C. (2010) The influence of presumed media influence on news about science and scientistsScience Communication, 33, 143-166.

    Tal Or, N., Cohen, J., Tsfati, Y., & Gunther, A. C. (2010 .(Testing causal direction in the influence of presumed media influence.Communication Resarch 37, 801-824.

    Tal Or, N., Tsfati, Y., & Gunther, A. C. (2009). The influence of presumed media influence: Origins and implications of the third-person perception. In Nabi, R., & Oliver, M. B. (Eds). The Sage Handbook of Media Processes and Effects (pp. 99-112).Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.  

    Cohen, J., & Tsfati, Y. (2009). The influence of presumed media influence on strategic votingCommunication Research, 36, 359-378.

    Tsfati, Y., & Livio, O. (2008). Exploring journalists' perceptions of media impactJournalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 85 (1),113-130.

    Gunther., A. C., Perloff, R. M., & Tsfati, Y. (2008) Public opinion and the third person effect. In Donsbach, W., & Traugott, M. (Eds.) The Sage handbook of public opinion research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 184-191.  

    Cohen, J., Tsfati, Y., & Sheafer, T. (2008) The influence of presumed media influence in politics: Do politicians' perceptions of media power matter? Public Opinion Quarterly, 72, 331-344.

    Tsfati, Y. (2007). Hostile media perceptions, presumed media influence and minority alienation: The case of Arabs in IsraelJournal of Communication, 57(4), 632-651.

    Tsfati, Y., & Peri, Y. (2006). Mainstream media skepticism and exposure to extra-national and sectorial news media: The case of IsraelMass Communication & Society 9 (2), pp. 165 -187.

    Tsfati, Y., Meyers, O. & Peri, Y. (2006). What is good journalism? Comparing Israeli public and journalists' perceptionsJournalism (2), pp. 153-174.

    Tsfati, Y. & Cappella, J. N. (2005). Why do people watch news they do not trust: Need for cognition as a moderator in the association between news media skepticism and exposure. Media Psychology 7 (3), pp. 251-272.

    Tsfati, Y. (2004). Exploring possible correlates of journalists' perceptions of audience trustJournalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 81 (2), pp. 274-291.

    Tsfati, Y. & Cohen, J. (2003).On the effect of the "third person effect": Perceived influence of media coverage and residential mobility intentions.Journal of Communication 53 (4), pp. 711-727

    Tsfati, Y. & Cappella, J. N. (2003). Do people watch what they do not trust? Exploring the association between news media skepticism and exposure. Communication Research 30 (5), pp. 504-529

    Tsfati, Y. (2003). Does audience skepticism of the media matters in agenda setting? Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media 47 (2), pp. 157 - 176.