החוג לתקשורת

    University of Haifa

    Prof. Rivka Ribak

    Research Interests: Cultural mediation of communication technologies and texts; construction of political and gender identities through the media; domestication of technologies (computers, telephones) in cultural contexts (the home, theKibbutz); privacy and other technological threats from an intercultural perspective; feminist, technological, developmental theory; media education.


    E-mail: rribak@com.haifa.ac.il

    Room: Rabin Complex 9316

    Personal site


    Rivka Ribak has BA in psychology and art history from the University of Haifa, a MA in communication from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, and Ph.D. in communication from the University of California in San Diego. Her research focuses on the meanings people assign to media content and technologies. In recent years, she published articles on media use and nonuse in different cultural contexts, on ideas and practices of privacy among internet users and developers, and on emergent practices of digitization and photography. Recently, she advised students' theses and dissertations on the biometric database, archival digitization, professional and amateur life cycle photography and the use of smartphones in religious Muslim families.