החוג לתקשורת

    University of Haifa

    Prof. Oren Meyers


    Research interests: journalistic values and practices, collective memory, popular culture, the military discourse in Israeli media.

     Phone number: 04-824-9212


     Office: Rabin building, 9311

     CV for download

    Prof. Oren Meyers received his B.A. from the Hebrew University and his M.A. and Ph.D. from the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania. He joined the department of communication in 2005 and served as department chair between 2019-2022. His research interests include journalistic values and practices, collective memory, popular culture and the military discourse in Israeli media. His studies have been supported by the Israel Science Foundation, the Ministry of Science and Technology and other founding agencies. His articles have been published in leading communication research journals.

    Courses taught: qualitative research methods; critical perspectives on journalism; the security discourse in Israeli media; M.A thesis workshop; M.A final project in strategic communication and public relations; the departmental internship program.




    Neiger, M., Meyers, O. &Zandberg, E., (Eds.) (2011). On Media Memory: Collective Memory in a new Media Age.London: Palgrave McMillan.

    Meyers, O., Zandberg, E. & Neiger, M. (2014). Communicating Awe: Media Memory and Holocaust Commemoration. London: Palgrave McMillan.


    Journal articles:

    Meyers, O. (2001), v.6, n.3. A Home Away from Home? Israel Shelanu and the Self Perceptions of Israeli Migrants. Israel Studies,  71-90.

    Meyers, O. (2001). Middle Eastern Body Building: The Construction of Dana International. Torquere, 76-97.

    Meyers, O. & Zandberg, E., (2002), v.24, n.3. The Soundtrack of Memory: Ashes and Dust and Holocaust Commemoration in Israeli Popular Culture . Media, Culture & Society, 389-408.

    Meyers, O. (2002) v.5, n.3. Still Photographs, Dynamic Memories: An Analysis of the Visual Presentation of Israel's History in Commemorative Newspaper Supplements . The Communication Review, 179-205.

    Meyers, O. (2004-2005). Narrating the 1960s via The '60s: Television's Representation of the Past between History and Memory. Film&History CD-ROM Annual.

    Meyers, O. (2005). Historical Museums and the Americanization of the Holocaust (in French). LeTemps des media, Autumn, n. 5, 92-114.

    Meyers, O. (2005). Israeli Journalism during the State's Formative Era: Between Ideological Affiliation and Professional ConsciousnessJournalism History, v.31, n.2, 88-97.

    Tsfati, Y., Meyers, O. &Peri, Y. (2006). What is Good Journalism? Comparing Israeli Public and Journalists' Perspectives.Journalism, v.7, n.2, 152-173.

    Meyers, O. (2007). Memory in Journalism and the Memory of Journalism: Israeli Journalists and the Constructed Legacy of Haolam HazehJournal of Communication, v.57, n.4, 719-739.

    Meyers, O. (2008).Contextualizing Alternative Journalism: Haolam Hazehand the Birth of Critical Israeli News MakingJournalism Studies, v.9, n.3,375-391.

    Meyers, O. (2009). The Engine's in the Front, But its Heart's in the Same Place:  Advertising, Nostalgia and the Construction of Commodities as Realms of Memory.The Journal of Popular Culture, v.42, n.4, 733-755.

    Meyers, O., Zandberg, E. &Neiger, M. (2009, v.59, n.3). Prime Time Commemoration: An Analysis of Television Broadcasts on Israel's Memorial Day for the Holocaust and the HeroismJournal of Communication, 456-480.

    Neiger, M., Zandberg, E., &Meyers O. (2010, v.3, n.3). Communicating Critique: Towards a Conceptualization of Journalistic Criticism. Communication, Culture and Critique, 377-395.

    Meyers, O. (2011, v.12, n.3). Expanding the Scope of Paradigmatic Research in Journalism Studies: The Case of Early Mainstream Israeli Journalism and Its DiscontentsJournalism, 261-278.

    Meyers, O. Neiger, M., &Zandberg, E. (2011, v.14, n.2). Structuring the Sacred: Media Professionalism and the Production of Mediated Holocaust Memory. The Communication Review, 123-144.

    Neiger, M., Meyers, O.,  &Zandberg, E. (2011, v.33, n.7). Tuned to the National Mood: Popular Music as a Mnemonic Cultural ObjectMedia Culture&  Society, 971-987.

    Zandberg, E., Meyers, O., &Neiger, M. (2012, v.29, n.1). Past continuous: Newsworthiness and the Shaping of Collective Memory. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 65-79.

    Meyers, O. & Rozen, A. (2014, v.81, n.1). Framing the Flotilla: Newsmaking, Image Crises and the Kishon Dives Investigative ReportCommunication Monographs, 108-132.

    Kligler-Vilenchik, N., Tsfati, Y. & Meyers, O. (2014, v.7). Setting the Collective Memory Agenda: Examining Mainstream Media Influence on Individuals’ Perceptions of the PastMemory Studies, 484-499.

    Meyers, O. & Davidson, R. (2014, v.15, n.8). The Journalistic Structure of Feeling: An Exploration of Career Life Histories of Israeli JournalistsJournalism, 987-1005.

    Yadlin Segal, A. & Meyers, O. (2014). “Like Birds Returning to their Nest”: Immigration Narratives and Ideological Constructions in Early Israeli Children Magazines. Journalism History, 158-166.

    Davidson, R. & Meyers, O. (2015). “Should I stay or should I go?” Exit, voice and loyalty among journalists.  Journalism Studies, 590-607.

    Hagay, H. & Meyers, O. (2015). Everybody’s Team? The National Narrative in the Hebrew Press Covering Israeli National Soccer Team Matches. Media Culture & Society, 530-546.

    Davidson, R. & Meyers, O. (2015). Towards a Typology of Journalism Careers: Conceptualizing Israeli Journalists’ Occupational Trajectories. Communication, Culture & Critique, 193-211.

    Meyers, O. (2016). “Mom’s Voice” and Other Voices: Civil-Military Relations as a Media Ritual. International Journal of Communication, 1232-1251.

    Meyers, O. & Davidson, R. (2016). Conceptualizing Journalistic Careers:

    Between Interpretive Community and Tribes of Professionalism. Sociology Compass, 419-431.

    Meyers, O. & Davidson, R. (2017). Interviewing interviewers: Collecting, analyzing and generalizing from occupational life histories of journalists. The Communication Review,      123-144.

    Meyers, O.  (2019). The critical potential of commemorative journalism. Journalism, 1682-1701. 

    Neiger, M., Meyers, O. & Ben-David, A. (2023). Tweeting the Holocaust: Social media discourse between reverence, exploitation, and simulacra. Journal of Communication, 222-234.

    Yusupov D. & Meyers, O. (online first). “Despite everything, love”: Commemorative journalism and the rereading of the critical rereading of the Israeli past. Journalism.  https://doi.org/10.1177/14648849231161150

    Book chapters:

    Neiger, M., Meyers, O., &Zandberg, E. (2011). On Media Memory - editors' introduction, in: Neiger, M., Meyers, O.,  &Zandberg, E. (Eds) On Media Memory: Collective Memory ina new Media Age. London: Palgrave McMillan (1-26).

    Neiger, M., Zandberg, E., &Meyers, O. (2011). Localizing Collective Memory: Radio Broadcasts and the construction of Regional Memory, in: Neiger, M., Meyers, O.,  &Zandberg, E. (Eds) On Media Memory: Collective Memory ina new Media Age. London: Palgrave McMillan, 156-173.

    Tsfati, Y. & Meyers, O. (2012). Journalists in Israel. In: D. H. Weaver & L.Willant (Eds.) The Global Journalist: News People Around the World. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 443-457.

    Neiger, M., Zandberg, E. & Meyers, O. (2014). Reversed memory: Commemorating the past through coverage of the present. In: B. Zelizer & K. Tenenboim-Weinblatt, K. (Eds.). Journalism and Memory. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 113-128.

    Meyers, O. (2016). Memory. In: K. B. Jensen (Ed.). International Encyclopedia of Communication Theory and Philosophy. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell, 1204-1213.

    Meyers, O. (2018). Mnemonic newswork: Exploring the role of journalism in the rereading of national pasts. In: D. Park & N. Maurantonio (Eds.). Communicating Memory & History. New York: Peter Lang, 99-129.

    Davidson, R. & Meyers, O. (2021). Harnessing the life history method to study the media industries. In: P. McDonald (Ed.). Routledge companion to media industries. London: Routledge, 490-497.

    Birkner, T., Agbarya, A., Meyers, O. & Somerstein, R. (2021). The news media and the ever-present fear in the Israel-Palestine conflict. In: N. Ribeiro & C. Schwarzenegger (Eds.) Media and the Dissemination of Fear: Pandemics, Wars and Political Intimidation. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 129-152.