החוג לתקשורת

    University of Haifa

    Prof. Nurit Tal-Or

    Research Interests: Psychology of the media, interpersonal communication               


    E-mail: ntalor@com.haifa.ac.il

    Room: Rabin Complex 8033

    CV for download

    Nurit Tal-Or received her B.A in Psychology & Sociology from Witwatersrand University (Johannesburg, SA) in 1992 and her Ph.D. in Social Psychology in 2001 from The University of Haifa. She is currently Associate Professor in the Department of Communications and the head of the B.A committee.  Her research has been funded by The Israel Science Foundation and The Israeli Association for Research Funds and Education. Her publications have appeared in leading communication journals. Prof. Tal-Or has taught a wide variety of courses including Social Psychology, Quantitative Research Methods, Attitude Change and Persuasion, Communication in Interpersonal Relationships, Non-Verbal Communication, Impression Management and Impression Formation,and Selective Topics in the Psychology of Communication.

    Selected Publications:

    Tal-Or, N., Boninger, D. S., Poran, A., & Gleicher, F. (2004).  Counterfactual thinking as a mechanism in narrative persuasion. Human Communication Research, 30, 301-328.

    Tal-Or, N. (2008). Communicative behaviors of outperformers and their perception by the outperformed people.  Human Communication Research, 34, 234-262.

    Tal-Or, N. (2010). Indirect ingratiation: Pleasing people by associating them with successful others and by praising their associates. Human Communication Research, 36, 163-189.

    Tal-Or, N., Cohen, J., Tsfati, Y., & Gunther, A. C. (2010). Testing causal direction in the influence of presumed media influence.Communication Research, 37, 801-824.

    Tal-Or, N., & Drukman, D. (2010). Third-person perception as an impression management tactic. Media Psychology 13, 301-322.

    Tal-Or, N., & Cohen, J. (2010). Understanding audience involvement: Conceptualizing and manipulating identification and transportation. Poetics, 38, 402-418.

    Cohen, J., Tal‐Or, N., & Mazor‐Tregerman, M. (2015). The tempering effect of transportation: exploring the effects of transportation and identification during exposure to controversial two‐sided narratives. Journal of Communication65(2), 237-258.

    Tal-Or, N. (2016). How Co-Viewing Affects Attitudes: The Mediating Roles of Transportation and Identification. Media Psychology, 19, 381-405.

    Tal-Or, N. (2019). The Relationship between viewing environment, narrative environment, and involvement with narratives: The case of temperature. Human Communication Research45, 395-426