Prof. Yariv Tsfati
Research Interests: political communication, audience trust in the media, media effects, third person effect.
Tel.: 04-824-0012
Room: Rabin Complex 8035
Personal Website
Research Interests: political communication, audience trust in the media, media effects, third person effect.
Tel.: 04-824-0012
Room: Rabin Complex 8035
Personal Website
Research Interests: Public Relations and Marketing Strategies, Marketing Places, Media representation of Minorities, Advertising and Society, Crisis communication Journalism and News Production.
Tel.: 04-824-9152
Room: Rabin Complex 8046
Research Interests: Narrative persuasion, Identification, Para-Social Interaction
Tel.: 04-828-8513
Room: Rabin Complex 8032
Research Interests: Economic Communication, Technology and Society, Culture Industries
Tel.: 04-828-8512
Room: Rabin Complex 9320
Research Interests: French Popular Media History:18th-20th Century; Israeli Popular and Elite Media History:19th-20th Century; Cultural and Communication History of the French Revolution; French Historiography and Intellectual approaches: 18th-20th Century.
Tel.: 04-824-9599
Room: Rabin Complex 8030
Ouzi Elyada, Hebrew Popular Journalism: Birth and Development in Ottoman Palestine, London and N.Y, Routledge, 2019, 308 p.
Ouzi Elyada, Yellow World – The Birth of Hebrew Popular Journalism in Palestine: 1884-1914, Tel-Aviv, Tel-Aviv University Press, 2015. 278p,
Ouzi Elyada, Presse populaire et feuilles volantes de la Révolution ã Paris : 1789- 1792, Paris, Société des Etudes Robespierristes, 1991. 288 p.
Ouzi Elyada, (Ed.), Lettres bougrement patriotiques de la Mère Duchesne suivi du Journal des Femmes : fevrier-avril.1791, Paris. Les Editions de Paris/EDHIS, 1989. 194p.
Ouzi Elyada, Jacques Le Brun, (Ed.), Conflits politiques, controverses religieuses – essais d’histoire européenne aux 16e-18e, Paris, Editions de l’Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales, 2002. 284p.
H. Chisick, I. Zinger, O. Elyada (Ed.), The Press in the French Revolution, London; Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century, 1991. 345p.
P.Y. Beaurepaire, O. Elyada, J. Shetrit (Ed.), « Pour une histoire des médias en méditerranée (XIXe- XXIe) siècles », Cahiers de la méditerranée 85 (décembre 2012).341p.
Ch. Delporte, O. Elyada, M.A. Matard-Benucci (Ed.), « Shoah et génocides : Médias, mémoire, histoire", Le Temps des médias 5, (automne 2005). 270p.
Academic Articles and Chapters in Books
O. Elyada, “Hebrew Popular Press, Catastrophe Stories and the Instigation of Fear in Ottoman Palestine”, in Nelson Costa Ribeiro and Christian Schwarzenegger, (Ed), Media and The Dissemination of Fear: Pandemics, Wars and Political Intimidations, London, Palgrave, 2022, pp. 43-57.
O. Elyada, "Jewish Hungarian authors and the Hebrew Press in Mandatory Palestine", Anna Szalai Ed, From the Carpets to the Mediterranean: Articles on Hungarians speaking in Israel, Budapest, Gondolat Kiado - Publishing House, 2021, pp. 122-144.
(Hebrew Edition, Budapest, Gondolat Kiado, and Tel-Aviv, Ivrit, Digital Edition, 2021, pp. 153-180).
O. Elyada, ''Les Films d’Amos Gitai face à l’histoire officielle d’Israël'', in Jean-Michel Frodon (Ed), Amos Gitai et l’enjeu des archives, Paris, Collège de France, et Edition Sébastian Moreu, 2021. pp. 45-71, (Digital Edition, Open Edition Books- Collège de France, June 2021, http/
O. Elyada, "Disaster Stories in the Hebrew Popular Press-The Meron Catastrophe in Lag Ba-Omer 1911", Kesher, 56, (Spring 2021), pp. 9-36. V
O. Elyada, ''Myriam Yardeni, Esquisse biographique et parcours intellectuel''. Protestantisme, nation, identité : Hommage à Myriam Yardeni (1932-2015), Michelle Magdelaine et Viviane Prest, Ed ; Paris, Archive Ouverte, HAL-SAH, (Sciences de l'homme et de la Société), 2021.
O. Elyada, ''Les lieux de mémoire d'Amos Gitai'', in Antoine De Baecque, Ed, Amos Gitai / Yitzhak Rabin. Chroniques d’un assassinat, Paris, Bibliothèques Nationale de France/Editions Gallimard, Paris, 2021, pp. 50-58.
O. Elyada, "Fake News in The Hebrew Press in Palestine in the late Ottoman Period and the early Mandate period", Kesher, No, 55, (Winter 2020), pp. 48-76.
O. Elyada, "Deux interviews d'Emile Zola dans le Journal Ha-Zvi de Jérusalem", Les Cahiers Naturalistes, No. 94, 66e année, 2020, pp. 309-318
O. Elyada, “Trumpeldor, Sara Aaronson and the Petah Tikva Heroes: The Construction of Myths of Patriotic Martyrs during the British Mandate Period", In Yael Zerubavel and Amir Goldstein, Eds, Tel Hai: 1920-2020; Between History and Memory, Jerusalem, Yad Ben- Zvi Publications, 2020, pp. 318-349.
O. Elyada. "La représentation de Paris dans la presse Hébraïque en Palestine sous la troisième république", Réeh, No spécial, 2019, pp. 251-282.
O. Elyada, On the Publishing Industry in Israel", Kesher, No. 52, (Winter 2019), pp. 145-149
O. Elyada,” A Nexus of Sensationalism and Politics: The Newspaper Doar Hayom and the Western Wall Crisis on the Eve of the 1929 Riots “, Israel Studies Review, vol 34, no. 1, (winter, 2019). pp. 114-133.
O. Elyada, “Hebrew foreign Reporters in Paris; 1878-1950”, Kesher, 53, Autumn 2019, pp. 58-73.
O. Elyada, “Hebrew Book Publishing”, Kesher, 52, Winter 2019, pp. 145-149.
O. Elyada, “Avigdor Hame’iri and the Popular press in Palestine in the 1920”, Kesher 52, Winter 2019, pp.39-48.
O. Elyada, "Media Scandal in Ottoman Jerusalem- The Antébi Affaire", Kesher, 51, (Summer 2018), pp. 3-18.
O. Elyada, “History Book Publishing in Israel”, Misgarot Media, 17, (2018), pp. 144-155.
O. Elyada, "The Birth of Public Opinion Research in Israel, Kesher, 49, (Winter 2017, pp. 171-176.
O. Elyada, “The Use of the Melodrama Genre in the Hebrew Popular Press in Ottoman Palestine”, The Jewish Speech, no.7, (2018), pp, 5-22.
O. Elyada, “The Hebrew Press and the 1929 Riots”, Kesher 50, (Autumn 2017), pp. 19-42.
O. Elyada, “The Media conflict Between Natives and Immigrants in Palestine: 1904-1931”, Kesher 49, (winter 2017), pp. 31-47.
O. Elyada, “Popular Journalism and Political Crusade; the Rupin Affaire 1923-1926”, Israel, 24, (2016), pp. 323-352
O. Elyada, “The Conflict between Doar Hayom Newspaper and the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem in 1924”, Kesher 48, (winter 2016), pp. 21-33
O. Elyada “The Great Cat Massacre and the Cultural –Interpretative History”, In Robert Darnton, The Great Cat Massacre and Other Episodes in French Cultural History, Jerusalem, Carmel, 2016, pp. 275-308
O. Elyada- “The birth of War |Journalism in Palestine”’ Kesher, No. 47, Winter 2015, pp. 20-31.
O. Elyada, “The Evolution of Public Opinion Research Institute in Israel”, Misgarot Media 15, (2015), pp. 100-113.
O. Elyada, “Davar, The Leading Hebrew Newspaper in Palestine: 1925-1950”, Kesher 48, (winter 2016), pp. 130-136.
O. Elyada, “The Herling-Keizer Affaire-Crime and Sex Scandal in Ottoman Jerusalem “, Reeh-Revue Européenne des Etudes Hébraïques, no. 17, (2015), pp. 81-106.
Maya Mazor-Tregerman, Yoel Mansfeld, Ouzi Elyada, “Travel Guidebooks and the Construction of Tourist Identity”, Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change 23 (December 2015), pp. 1-19
O. Elyada, « Uri Avneri and Haolam Haze”, Kesher 47 (winter 2014), pp. 156-159.
O. Elyada, "Emile Zola interviewed by a Jerusalem Newspaper in 1900", Kesher 46, (spring 2014). pp. 30-38
O. Elyada, “Short history of Book Binding”, in Iris Nesher , Entrance, Ramat Ran, Ramat-Gann Museum, 2013. pp.14-16.
O. Elyada,” Itamar Ben-Avi: From Mussolini To Jabotinsky,” Kesher 45, (autumn 2013), pp. 41-48.
O. Elyada, ‘'Hemda Ben-Yehuda'', ''Dorothy Khan'', ''Hanna Zemer'‘, in Beatrice Didier, Antoinette Fouqué, Mireille Caille-Gruber, (Ed.), Dictionnaire Universel des Créatrices, Paris, Editions des Femmes, 2013, Vol 1-II , pp.112-113, Vol 2, pp. 87-88, Vol 3, pp. 408-409.
O. Elyada, "Sensational Press in Palestine in 1920", Studies in Hebrew languages, Literature and Culture, Poznan, University of Poznan, 2013, pp. 136-155.
O. Elyada, « The Newspaper and the Family Behind »’ Misgarot Media 10. (autumn 2013), pp. 127-142.
O. Elyada, "The Study of Early Hebrew Newspapers », Kesher 45, (autumn 2013), pp. 161-164.
O. Elyada, "Le mythe nationale et la guerre dans la presse israélienne", Tsafon 63, (Printemps –été 2012). pp. 51-72.
O. Elyada, « Press and Internet in Israel », Kesher 43 (summer 2012), pp. 154-156.
O. Elyada, « Utopie populaire et la désacralisation de l’image royale Pendant la révolution française », in D. Liechtenhan (Ed.), Histoire, Ecologie et Anthropologie, Paris, Presse Universitaire de la Sorbonne, 2011, pp. 319-333.
O. Elyada, "Ha-Zvi and the Representation of Tel-Aviv, 1909-1914". Kesher 39, (automne 2009). pp.50-62
O. Elyada, "'Mythes et violence dans la presse israélienne'‘ ; in A. Duprat (Ed.), Révolutions et mythes identitaires – Mots, violence, mémoire, Paris, Nouveau monde, éditions, 2009, pp. 223-248.
O. Elyada, ''Naissance de la presse populaire pour femmes en France », Les Temps des medias 12, (Printemps 2009). pp. 7- 28.
O. Elyada, "Mythes nationales, mémoire et représentation de la guerre dans la presse israélienne” Hermès 52, (2008). pp. 109-118.
O. Elyada, "On Reading in Israel as Cultural Practice", Misgarot Media 2 (2008). pp. 143-150.
O. Elyada, "The Birth of the "Objective" Discourse in the Modern Hebrew Newspaper", Kesher 37 (summer 2008), pp. 139-141.
O. Elyada, "L'utopie populaire pendent la révolution française", in I. Zinger et R. Amar ; (Ed,) Utopies – Mémoire et Imaginaire ; Essen, Die Blaue Eule Verlage, 2008, pp. 57- 67.
O. Elyada, "Positivist Biography and the Story-Telling of Eliezer Ben-Yehuda Life", Kesher 37, (summer 2008), pp. 134-138.
O. Elyada, "The Birth of the First Daily Newspaper in Israel", Kesher, 37, November 2008.pp. 9-33.
O. Elyada, "On the Socio-Political Discourse in the Newspaper Hazefira ", Israel Studies in Language and Society 1-1, (summer 2008). pp. 197-202.
O. Elyada, "Security, Media and Hyper Reality in Israel", Kesher 35, (winter 2007). pp. 158 –163.
O. Elyada, "Catastrophe stories in the early Israeli newspapers: Ha-Or and the Titanic", Kesher, 36, December 2007, pp. 24-34
O. Elyada, "Claude Levi – Strauss and the Hidden Structures of Myth", in Ruth Director, (Ed.), Row and Cooked, Haifa University Press, 2007, pp. 23-28.
O. Elyada, "Reading Books and Newspapers in Israel"- Kesher 36, (autumn 2007), pp. 181-186.
O. Elyada, "The Transformation of Royal Library to National Library:1789-1799”, in M. Sochovsky, J. Kaplan, (Ed.), Libraries in History, Jerusalem, Israel Historical Society, 2006. pp. 261-287
O. Elyada, "Sensation and Politics: Doar Hayom and the 1929 Riots", Kesher 34, (spring 2006), pp. 105-114
O. Elyada, "Henri Lefebvre – Marxism and Daily Life", in Henri Lefebvre, Marxism, Tel –Aviv, Resling, 2005. pp. 7-14.
O. Elyada, "Braudel and Capitalism", in F. Braudel, The Process of Capitalism, Tel- Aviv, Resling, 2005, pp. 7-23
O. Elyada, "La mise en pilori de l'abbé Maury : imaginaire comique et mythe de l'antihéros pendant la Révolution", Annales Historiques de la Révolution Française 338. (2005). pp. 1-24.
O. Elyada, “Rire, violence et utopie dans la presse populaire de la révolution française", in L. Volz, (Ed.) Individu et autorité – position de la presse de Lumière, Nantes, Presse Universitaire de Nantes, 2004, pp. 157-167.
O. Elyada, “The Mediterranean as Total History", in Y. Shavit, (Ed.), A Mediterranean Anthology, Tel-Aviv, Tel Aviv University Press, 2004, pp. 277-287
O. Elyada, “L'Histoire des médias en Israël – jalons et recherches", Le Temps des media 3, (novembre 2004). pp. 253-269.
O. Elyada, "La Rhétorique antijuive dans la presse contre – révolutionnaire : 1789-1792", in I. Zinger, S. Blum (Ed.) Inclusion and Exclusion/Enlightened Antisémitisme. Leiden, Brill, 2003. pp. 141-150.
O. Elyada et J. Le Brun, "Myriam Yardeni historienne de mutations et des controverses de l’époque moderne", in, O. Elyada, J. Le Brun, (Ed), Conflits politiques, controverses religieuses-religieuses – essais d’histoire européenne aux 16e-18e, Paris, Editions de l’Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales, 2002, pp. 259 – 271.
O. Elyada, “La Modification de l'hégémonie médiatique pendant la Révolution française : le livre face à la presse", in M. Biard, A. Crépin, B. Gainot, (Ed.), La Plume et le sabre, Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2002, pp. 75-87.
O. Elyada, “Le rire anticlérical dans la presse populaire révolutionnaire", in, O. Elyada, J. Le Brun, (Ed.), Conflits politiques, controverses religieuses – essais d’histoire européenne aux 16e-18e, Paris, Editions de l’Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales, 2002, pp. 241-257.
O. Elyada, "Economic Analysis of an Elite Journal – Haaretz: 1918-1937", Kesher 29, (spring 2001), pp. 57-84.
O. Elyada, "The Total History Model of the Mediterranean", in Fernand Braudel, The Mediterranean – Space and History, Jerusalem, Carmel, 2001, pp. 153-178
O. Elyada, "Divertir et faire lire – stratégies éditoriales de la presse populaire", Etudes de Linguistique Appliquée 119, (juillet – septembre 2000), pp. 305-316.
O. Elyada, "The Annales School and the Culture of Book", in R. Cohen and Y. Mali (Ed.), Literature and History, Jerusalem, Israeli Historical Society, 1999, pp. 299-323.
O. Elyada, "The Confrontation between Popular and Elite Journalism in Palestine: 1918-1925", Kesher 26, (autumn 1999), pp. 37-48.
O. Elyada, "Popular Journalism in Palestine 1908-1914", D. Caspi and Y. Limor (Ed.), Mass Media in Israel, Tel-Aviv, The Open University, 1998, pp. 111-138.
O. Elyada, "Do'ar Hayom, The Transformation of Commercial Newspaper to a Party Organ: 1928-1929", Kesher 24, (Autumn 1998), pp. 68-75.
O. Elyada, "Israeli Censorship in 1948", in D. Caspi and Y. Limor (Ed.), Mass Media in Israel, Tel-Aviv, The Open University, 1998, pp. 277-291.
O. Elyada, “Popular Journalism in The French Revolution”, in Y. Limor, (Ed), Documents in The History of Journalism, Jerusalem, The Hebrew University, 1997. pp. 1-11.
O. Elyada, “L'usage de personnages imaginaires dans la presse et le pamphlet pendant la Révolution Française", Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine 44-3, (juillet-septembre 1997), pp. 484-503.
O. Elyada, "Le rire au Moyen-Age", Annales, Histoire, Sciences Sociales 3, (mai – juin 1997), pp. 513-515.
O. Elyada, "From Feminine to Masculine Symbolism: The Case of Popular Public Opinion during the French Revolution", The European Legacy 1, (1996), pp. 181-187.
O. Elyada, "La représentation de l'opinion public populaire dans la presse parisienne révolutionnaire", Annales Historiques de la Révolution Française 1, (1996), pp. 37-47.
O. Elyada, “The Revisionist Doar Hayom, A Tumultuous Chapter in Journalistic History: 1930-1931", Kesher 17, (spring 1995), pp. 73-86
O. Elyada, "La représentation populaire de l'image royale avant Varenne", Annales historiques de la Révolution Française 3, (1994), pp. 527-546.
O. Elyada, “La presse parisienne de droite et la question Juive pendant la Révolution Française", in B. Blumenkrantz, (Ed.), Les Juifs en France au 18e Siècle, Paris, Collection Franco-Judaica, 1994, pp. 223-238.
O. Elyada – "From Popular to Mass Journalism – The Historical Perspective", in Y. Roeh, R. Nir, The Popular and the Masse: Diffused Journalism and Popular Culture, Jerusalem, The Smart Institute of Communication –The Hebrew University, 1993, pp. 25-30
O. Elyada, "The Evolution of Popular Journalism in Palestine: 1910-1917", Kesher 12, (autumn 1992), pp. 76-85
O. Elyada, "The Birth of Popular Journalism in Palestine: 1908-1910”, Kesher 11, (spring 1992), pp. 70-79.
O. Elyada, "Les récits de complot dans la presse populaire parisienne : 1790-1791", Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 287 (1991), pp. 281-292.
O. Elyada, “La mise en scène du monde Méditerranéen", in I. Malkin, (Ed.), La France et la Méditerranée, Leiden, Brill, 1990, pp. 15-29.
O. Elyada, "The Birth of Israeli Censorship in 1948", in Y. Gelber, (Ed.), The Birth of the State of Israel, Haifa University, The Herzl Institute, 1990, pp. 81-98.
O. Elyada, "The Birth of Popular Journalism in France: 1789-1799”, Zmanim 30/31, (1989), pp. 82-91.
O. Elyada, "Zalkind Hourvitz and the French Revolution Press ", Kesher 5, (spring 1989), pp. 54-60.
O. Elyada, "L'Appel aux faubourgs : pamphlets populaires et propagande à Paris, 1789-1791 ", in M. Vovelle, (Ed.) Paris et la Révolution. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 1989, pp. 185-203.
O. Elyada, "La Presse populaire pour femmes pendant la Révolution - La Mère Duchesne", in Lettres bougrement patriotiques de la Mère Duchesne suivi du Journal des Femmes : février-avril. (Ed.) Paris. Les Editions de Paris/EDHIS. 1989, pp. 3-18.
O. Elyada, "La presse populaire parisienne et le temps du carnaval : 1788 – 1791", in M. Vovelle, (Ed), L’image de la révolution française, London, Pergamon Press 1989, vol. I, pp. pp. 108-118
O. Elyada, "La Mère Duchesne : masques populaires et guerres pamphlétaires : 1789-1791”, Annales Historique de la Révolution Française 1 (1988), pp. 1-16.
O. Elyada, "Pamphlets scéniques et manipulation au début de la Révolution Française". In M. Yardeni, (Ed.) Idéologies et propagande dans l’histoire de France. Paris, Picard, 1987. pp.154-169.
O. Elyada, "Braudel Global Vision of History", Zmanim 21, (1986), pp.71-81.
Research Interests: Ethnography of communication, intercultural communication, communication and activism, anthropological approaches to media studies, rhetoric of public discourse in Israel.
Tel.: 04-824-9143
Room: Rabin Complex 8037
Research Interests: Health communication, persuasion, message effects, campaigns.
Tel.: 04-8249283
Room: Rabin Complex 9305
Research Interests: Discourse Analysis, Communication and Space, Communication and Protest, Nationalism, Citizenship and Militarism.
Tel.: 04-828-0732
Room: Rabin Complex 8049
Research interests: journalistic values and practices, collective memory, popular culture, the military discourse in Israeli media.
Phone number: 04-824-9212
Office: Rabin building, 9311
Research Interests: Cultural mediation of communication technologies and texts; construction of political and gender identities through the media; domestication of technologies (computers, telephones) in cultural contexts (the home, theKibbutz); privacy and other technological threats from an intercultural perspective; feminist, technological, developmental theory; media education.
Tel.: 04-824-9602
Room: Rabin Complex 9316
Research Interests: Psychology of the media, interpersonal communication
Tel.: 04-824-9601
Room: Rabin Complex 8033
Research Interests: The study of media effects, political campaigns, persuasion and influence, media and public opinion, modern terrorism and the mass media.
Tel.: 04-824-96598
Room: Rabin Complex 8032
Dissertation Title: Building an Archive for Future Generations: The Digitization of the National Library of Israel (Supervisor: Dr. Rivka Ribak and Prof. Na'ama Sheffi)
Sharon is interested in the ways digital technologies are involved in the production of collective memory. Using ethnography and actor-network theory, her PhD dissertation, supervised by Dr. Rivka Ribak and Prof. Naama Sheffi, examines the digitization process at the National Library of Israel and the role it plays in the production of digital national memory. Sharon is also interested in collective memory, digital archives, digital humanities and the interrelations between media and history.