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    מושב מיוחד לכבוד ספרם של אורן מאיירס, אייל זנדברג ומוטי נייגר / Book launch, 31.3.2015: Meyers, Zandberg and Neiger: Communicating Awe: Media Memory and Holocaust Commemoration

    A special session focused on the publication of a new book authored by Oren Meyers (University of Haifa), Eyal Zandberg (Netanya Academic College) and Motti Neiger (Netanya Acadmic College).

    Communicating Awe: Media Memory and Holocaust Commemoration (Palgrave MacMillan)


    Carol Kidron, The Strochlitz Institute of Holocaust Studies, University of Haifa

    Tamar Katriel, Department of Communication, University of Haifa

    Meyers communicating awe

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