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    Colloquium, 12.5.14, Paul Frosh / פול פרוש - Selfie Aesthetics: Gestural Photography and Digital Sociability

    Lecturer: Prof. Paul Frosh, Hebrew University 

    Room: 7052, Rabin

    12.5, 12:15-13:45


    prof Paul Frosh gave a talk about selfies at our colloquium today so I could not resist taking one.הרצאה של פול פרוש בנושא סלפי בסמינר המחלקתי שלנו. לא הצלחתי לעמוד בפיתוי.

    Posted by Yariv Tsfati on Tuesday, May 12, 2015


    Over the past few years the selfie has emerged to prominence as an everyday cultural practice and photographic genre of extraordinary popularity - accompanied, perhaps inevitably, by public controversy and hostility. At the same time the selfie has also become an object of burgeoning scholarly interest. Surprisingly, however, relatively little work has theorized the aesthetics of the selfie. This paper seeks to fill that gap. Reconfiguring three concepts from traditional photography theory – indexicality, composition and reflection – this paper argues that the selfie is a communicative gesture, linking it to forms of mediated mobility across real and informational spaces and to the bodily operation of digital interfaces. It ultimately casts selfies as a radical departure from traditional photography and as a novel agent of digital sociability rather than of narcissism.

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