החוג לתקשורת

    University of Haifa

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    מחקר: מנגיסטו ואברהם, אחרים בקרב עמם: ההבנייה החברתית של מהגרים אתיופיים בעיתונות הישראלית

    מאמרם של גרמאו מנגיסטו, תלמיד דוקטורט בחוג, ושל פרופ' אלי אברהם ייצא לאור בכתב העת Communication, Culture and Critique.

    Mengistu, G., & Avraham, E. (2015). “Others Among Their Own People”: The Social Construction of Ethiopian Immigrants in the Israeli National Press. Communication, Culture & Critique, doi:10.1111/cccr.12095

    Mengistu Avraham paper


    The article examines the ways in which the national press includes or excludes the Ethiopian immigrantsin the Jewish-Israeli collective, and the changes applicable to these inclusion and exclusion practices. The study uses qualitative and quantitative content analysis, with reference to postcolonial theory. The findings of the research show that Israeli journalism tended, on one hand, to include the immigrants within the ancient Jewish collective, while at the same time, treating them as being culturally ignorant. This research provides a complex definition of the boundaries of the others, while also shedding light on an important subject, namely the representation of Ethiopian immigrants in Israeli media, which has been neglected by social science researchers.
