החוג לתקשורת

    University of Haifa

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    יצאה לאור אסופת מאמרים בעריכת תמר כתריאל ואנה רידינג בנושא הזכרון התרבותי של מאבקים לא אלימים.

    Cultural Memories of Nonviolent Struggles: Powerful Times


    Cultural Memories of Nonviolent Struggles: Powerful Times marks a new trajectory in Memory Studies by examining cultural memories of nonviolent struggles. The book highlights the cultural forgetting and memory of Gandhi's Salt March, the suffragette struggle in Britain, the Russell Tribunal, 'House Museums' in Europe, the anti-nuclear campaign at Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp, Poland's Solidarity movement, cultural repatriation and indigenous Australians, the Anti-War Museum in Berlin, a South Asian community archive, peaceful alternatives in video games and Palestinian activism against The Wall. The chapters explore how memories of nonviolent struggles are mobilized through digital archiving, documentary film-making, video-gaming, and on-the-ground practices such as music, memorial museums, and the building of monuments. By foregrounding an alternative line of memory work whose goal is to commemorate nonviolent struggles in contemporary local, national and global memory cultures, the book opens up new pathways of human hope and agency to the study of cultural memory.

    הספר כולל 11 מאמרים בנושא. פרופ' כתריאל שותפה לכתיבת שניים מהם:

    Krieg dem Kriege: The Anti-War Museum in Berlin as a Multilayered Site of Memory (with Irit Dekel); and: The Wall Must Fall: Memory Activism, Documentary Filmmaking, and the Second Intifada (with Yifat Gutman).
