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    Prof. Eli Avraham

    Research Interests: Public Relations and Marketing Strategies, Marketing Places, Media representation of Minorities, Advertising and Society, Crisis communication Journalism and News Production.
    Tel.: 04-824-9152


    Room: Rabin Complex 8046

    Eli Avraham (PhD) received his B.A in International Relations from The Hebrew University in Jerusalem in 1988, and his M.A and PhD in communication in 1998. He is one of the founders of the “strategic communication and public relations program” and also the “ambassadors online program”. Prof. Avraham is head of the Comper Center for the Study of Antisemitism and Racism at the University of Haifa. 


    Selected Publications:

    1. Avraham, E. (2003). Behind Media Marginality: Coverage of Social Groups and Places in the Israeli Press. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
    2. Avraham, E. and E. Ketter (2008). Media strategies for Marketing Places in Crises: Improving the Image of Cities, Countries and Tourist Destinations. Oxford, England: Elsevier/Butterworth Heinemann.
    3. First, A. and Avraham E. (2009). America in JeruSALEm: Globalization, National Identity, and Israeli Advertising. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
    4. Avraham, E. and E. Ketter (2016). Tourism Marketing for Developing Countries: Battling Stereotypes and Crises in the Asia, Africa and the Middle East. London: Palgrave-McMillian.

    Articles in Refereed Journals
    1. Avraham, E. (1997) Back to the shtetl: Public Access TV in Israel and Around the World. Devarim Ahadim. 1: 88-99. (Hebrew).
    2. Avraham, E. (2000). Cities and their News Media Image. Cities 17 (5): 363-270.
    3. Avraham, E., Wolfsfeld, G. and I., Aburaiya (2000). Dynamics in the News Coverage of Minorities: The Case of the Arab Citizens of Israel. Journal of Communication Inquiry 24 (2): 117-133.
    4. Wolfsfeld, G., Avraham, E. and I., Aburaiya (2000). When Prophecy Always Fails: Israeli press coverage of the Arab Minority’s Land Day protest. Political Communication. 17 (2): 115-131.
    5. Avraham, E. (2002). Social-political environment, journalism practice and coverage of minorities: The case of the marginal cities in Israel. Media, Culture and Society. 24 (1): 69-86.
    6. Avraham, E. and A. First (2003). “I buy American”: The American image as reflected in Israeli advertising. Journal of Communication 53 (2): 282-299.
    7. First A. and Avraham, E. (2003). Changes in the political, cultural and media environment and their impact on the coverage of conflict: The case of the Arab population in Israel. Communication and Conflict Online 2 (1): 1-14.
    8. Avraham, E. (2003). Press, politics and the coverage of minorities in divided societies: The case of Arab citizens in Israel. The International Journal of Press/Politics,
    9. Avraham, E. and A. First (2004). The Good, the bad and the absent: Contradictory trends in the treatment of Arabs on Israeli TV. Mediterranean Journal of Human Rights. 8 (2): 55-78.
    10. Avraham, E. (2004). Media strategies for improving an unfavorable city image. Cities 21 (6): 471-479.
    11. Avraham, E. and A. Gonen (2004). Marketing and advertising strategies for places in Israel: Association, disassociation and competition. Horizons in Geography 62: 83-94.
    12. Avraham, E. and, A. First. (2006). Media, power and Space: Ways of constructing the periphery as "other". Social and Cultural Geography 7 (1): 71-86.

    13. Livio, O. and Avraham, E. (2006). Social-ideological distance between the journalists and social groups covered: Who is the "salt of the earth" according to Ha'aretz? Israel. 10: 177-197.
    14. First, A and Avraham, E. (2007). Globalization/Americanization and constructing national dreams: Representations of culture and economy in Israeli advertising. Israel Studies Forum. 22(1): 54-74.
    15. First, A and Avraham, E. (2007). When the “Holy land” turns into real estate: National identity, globalization/ Americanization, and representation of the land in Israeli advertising. Popular Communication: The International Journal of Media and Culture. 5 (4): 223-239.
    16. Lahav T. and Avraham, E. (2008) Public Relations for Peripheral Places and National Media Coverage Patterns: The Israeli Case. Public Relations Review. 34: 230-236.
    17. Avraham, E. and Ketter, E. (2008) Will We Be Safe There? Analyzing strategies for altering places' unsafe images. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy. 4(3): 196-204.
    18. Avraham, E. (2009). Marketing and managing nation branding during prolonged crisis: The case of Israel. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy. 5(3): 202-212.
    19. Avraham, E. and Daugherty, D. (2009). “We're known for oil. But we also have watercolors, acrylics & pastels”: Media strategies for marketing small cities and towns in Texas. Cities. 26(6): 331-338.
    20. Avraham, E. and First, A. (2010). Combining the representation approach with the framing concept: Television news coverage of the Arab population in Israel during conflict. Journalism. 11(4): 1-19.
    21. First, A. and Avraham, E. (2010). Contesting national identity during crisis: The use of patriotism in Israeli advertisements. Communication, Culture and Critique. 3 (3): 334-351.
    22. Ketter E. and Avraham, E. (2010). Online tourism marketing for Sub-Saharan African countries: battling stereotypes of high risk, hostility and underdevelopment. International Journal of Tourism Policy. 3 (4): 318-331.
    23. Avraham, E. and First, A. (2010). Can a regulator change representation of minority groups and fair reflection of cultural diversity in national media programs? Lessons from the Israeli case study. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media. 54 (1): 136-148.
    24. Avraham, E. and D. Daugherty. (2012). “Step into the Real Texas": Associating and claiming state narrative in advertising and tourism brochures. Tourism Management. 33: 1385-1397.
    25. Ketter, E. and Avraham, E. (2012). The Social Revolution of Tourism Marketing: The Growing Power of Users in Social Media Tourism Campaigns. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy. 8(4): 285-294.
    26. Avraham, E. and First. (2013). Towards a New Model of Narrative Transformation in Advertising: From the American Myth to the Green Myth. Communication Theory. 23:285-294.
    27. Avraham, E. and Ketter, E. (2013). Marketing Destinations with Prolonged Negative Images: Towards a new model. Tourism Geographies. 15(1): 145-164.
    28. Lahav, T. Mensfeld, Y. and Avraham, E. (2013). Factors Inducing National Media Coverage for Tourism in Rural versus Urban Areas: The Role of Public Relations. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing. 30: 291-307.
    29. Avraham, E. (2013). Crisis Communication, Image Restoration and Battling Stereotypes of Terror and Wars: Media Strategies for Marketing Tourism to Middle Eastern Countries. American Behavioral Scientist. 57(9): 1350-1367.
    30. Mozes-Sadeh T. and Avraham E. (2014). The Use of Offensive Public Relations during a Conflict: Hamas’s Efforts to Damage Israel’s Image During the 2010 Flotilla. Journal of Conflict & Communication Online. 13(2): 1-12.
    31. Avraham, E. (2014). Spinning Liabilities into Assets in Place Marketing: Towards a New Typology. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy. 10(3): 174-185. IF2014: N/A
    32. Avraham, E. (2014). Hosting Events as a Tool for Destination’s Image Restoration. The International Journal of Events Management Research. 8 (1): 61-76.
    33. Avraham, E. (2015). Destination Image Repair During Crisis: Attracting Tourism during the Arab Spring Uprisings. Tourism Management. 47: 224-232.
    34. Mengistu, G. and Avraham, E. (2015)."Other among Their Own People": The Social Construction of Ethiopian Immigrants in the Israeli National Press. Communication, Culture and Critique. 8(4): 557-575.
    35. Avraham, E. and Ketter, E. (2015). "One-size-fits-all"? Differentiation in Destinations' Marketing Goals and Strategies to Achieve Them. Tourism: An International Multidisciplinary Journal of Tourism. 63(3): 337-349.
    36. Rettig, E. and Avraham, E. (2016). The Role of Intergovernmental Organizations in the “Battle over Framing”: The Case of the Israeli-West Bank Separation Barrier. The International Journal of Press-Politics. 21(1): 111-133.
    37. Avraham, E. (2016). Destination Marketing and Image Repair during Tourism Crises: The Case of Egypt. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management. 28: 41-48.
    38. Ketter, E, Mansfeld, Y. and E. Avraham (2016). The Role of Marketing in Tourism Planning: Overplay, Underplay or Interplay? Tourism: An International Multidisciplinary Journal of Tourism. 64(2): 135-148.
    39. Avraham, E. (2017). Changing the Conversation: How Developing Countries Handle the International Media during Disasters, Conflicts and Crises. Journal of Information Policy. 7: 275-296.
    40. Avraham, E. and Ketter, E. (2017). Destination Marketing during and following Crises: Combating Negative Images in Asia. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing. 34 (6): 709-718.
    41. Shir-Raz Y. and Avraham, E. (2017). “Under the Regulation Radar”: PR Strategies of Pharmaceutical Companies in Countries where Direct Advertising of Prescription Drugs is Banned – the Israeli Case. Public Relations Review. 43 (2): 382-391.
    42. Avraham, E. and Ketter E. (2017). Destination Image Repair while Combatting Crises: Tourism Marketing in Africa. Tourism Geographies. 19 (5): 780-800.
    43. Cohen R. and Avraham, E. (2018). Jewish NGOs and Strategies used in Fighting BDS and the Boycott of Israeli Academia. Israel Studies. 23(2): 194-216.
    44. Tabak L. and Avraham, E. (2018). Country image repair strategies during an asymmetrical conflict: Reactions of Israeli representatives to allegations regarding civilian casualties during the Gaza conflict, 2014. International Journal of Strategic Communication. 12 (3): 237-251.
    45. Mashiah, I. & Avraham, E. (2019). The Role of Technology and Innovation Messaging in the Public Diplomacy of Israel. Journal of Global Politics and Current Diplomacy (JGPCD), 7 (2): 5-28.
    46. Avraham, E. (2020). Nation branding and marketing strategies for combatting tourism crises and stereotypes towards destinations. Journal of Business Research. 116: 711-720.
    47. Avraham, E. (2021). Combating tourism crisis following terror attacks: image repair strategies for European destinations since 2014. Current Issues in Tourism, 24(8), 1079-1092.
    48. Avraham, E. From 9/11 through Katrina and Up to COVID-19: Recovery Marketing Campaigns for American Destinations Facing Tourism Crises. Current Issues in Tourism.
    49. Ketter E. & Avraham E. #StayHome Today So We Can #travelTomorrow:
    Tourism Destinations’ Digital Marketing Strategies during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing.
    50. Avraham, E. Recovery Strategies and Marketing Campaigns for Global Destinations in Response to the Covid-19 Tourism Crisis. Asia-Pacific journal of tourism research.

    Chapters in Scientific Books
    1. First A. and Avraham, E. (2003). "My heart is in the East and I am in the West": The American Image as Reflected in Israeli Advertising. In Liebes T. and M. Talmon (Eds.) Communication as Culture: Television as a Cultural Environment. Pp. 339-367. Tel Aviv: The Open University. (Hebrew)
    2. Avraham, E. (2006). Public relations and advertising strategies for managing tourist destination image crises. In: Y. Mansfeld and A. Pizam (Eds.) Tourism, Security and Safety: From Theory to Practice. Pp. 233-249. London: Butterworth Heinemann.
    3. Avraham, E. and Ketter E. (2006). Media strategies for improving national images during tourism crisis. In M. Kozak and L. Andreu (Eds.) Progress in Tourism Marketing. Pp. 115-125. Oxford: Elsevier
    4. Avraham, E. (2006). “Media Inequality”: Characteristics and reasons for the differences in social groups’ access to the press. In Ram U. and Berkovitch, N. (Eds.). In/Equality. Be’er Sheva: Ben-Gurion University Press. (Hebrew)
    5. First, A., and Avraham, E. (2007). Multi-cultural diversity in TV commercial broadcasting in Israel and ways to improve it. In Caspi D. (Eds). Political Communication in Israel. Jerusalem: The Van Leer Jerusalem/Hakibbutz Hameuchad Publishing House. Pp. 134-161. (Hebrew)
    6. Avraham, E. (2009). Social-ideological distance between the journalists and social groups covered: The representation of the marginal cities in the national press. In Zameret Z., Halamish, A., Meir-Glizenstien, O. (Eds). The Development Towns. Jerusalem: Yad Ben-Zvi Institute. Pp. 379-390. (Hebrew)
    7. Avraham E. (2012). Crisis Communication and Sustainable Place Marketing: A Preliminary Analysis before Choosing a Restorative Media Strategy. In Frank Go and Robert Govers (Eds.). International Place Branding Yearbooks 2012. Palgrave Macmillan. Pp. 56-68.
    8. Avraham, E. (2013). Changes in the News Representation of Minorities over the Course of 40 Years of Research. The International Encyclopedia of Media Studies: Content and Representation. S. Mazzarella (Ed). Wiley-Blackwell Books. Pp. 159-178.
    9. Avraham, E. (2015). Cultural Diplomacy and Entrepreneurship as a Means for Image Restoration: The Case of Israel. In F. Go, A. Lemmetyinen and U. Hakala (Eds.). Harnessing Place Branding Through Cultural Entrepreneurship. London, Palgrave Macmillan. Pp. 178-190.
    10. Avraham, E. (2019). Image Repair Strategies Adopted by Middle Eastern National Tourism Boards during and following Tourism Crises. In D. Timothy (Ed.). Routledge Handbook on Middle Eastern Tourism. Taylor & Francis/Routledge. Pp. 241-256. (total cites: 2 in Google Scholar)
    11. Avraham, E. (2019). Experience tourism in Texan destinations: The marketing side. In Jelinčić D. & Y. Mansfeld (Eds.) Creating and Managing Experiences in Cultural tourism. World Scientific books. Pp. 207-224.

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